Canadian Auto Wreckers

Auto Wreckers Bowmanville


Want to sell your old car? Dial our toll-free numbers for a free visit!
Scrap Car Removal in Bowmansville – Perfect Solution for your Old Car!
We are a junk car disposal team in Bowmansville, with several decades of experience in doing our job to perfection. We have recycled junk, unwanted, and damaged cars since 1981.
If you have an old car in whatever condition – be it damaged, crushed with missing parts, broken or missing its keys – we will be there to help you with it. Our scrap yard in Bowmansville will provide a perfect and permanent solution to your old car woes.
Auto Wreckers Bowmanville, Scrap Yard Bowmanville

Auto Wreckers Bowmansville – Clean and Green Recycling

Over the years, we have learned the necessity of providing not just recycling of old cars, but a clean and environmentally friendly method too. In this endeavour, we provide recycling that is clean, green and adhering to all standards specified. Our customers are welcome to our scrap yard in Bowmansville to have a look at our recycling facilities!

Junk Removal in Bowmansville – How Does it Work?

We,  Canadian Auto Wreckers offer to take your old cars for cash. Our aim is to give good value to your cars. We can offer up to $ 2000 for used cars depending upon their condition. To do this, we first evaluate your cars to fix upon value. Here is how the whole process works-

  • When you call us for selling your used car, we send out our executives for evaluating your car. We have toll-free numbers where our customers can reach us 24/7
  • After evaluation and agreement on the sale price, we will tow your old car to our scrap yard in Bowmansville
In the whole process, all you need to do is to make that call on our toll-free numbers. Why keep a car which is useless and unused? Call us today for a free evaluation of your old vehicle! Why keep a car which is useless and unused? Call us today at +1 416 559 3683 for a free evaluation of your old vehicle! Fill our  online quote form for instant estimation!
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